Conditional sentence

Now is Monday, where everyone starts their activities. This morning the train station was very crowded i said if i do not hurry, then i will be late. The clock went on without stopping. Train getting crowded. If I go to the office on a motorcycle, maybe I will come more fast.
Upon arrival at my office doing a lot of work. My laptop also suffered serious damage. If I have money, then I will buy a new laptop. My job also becomes delayed. If my laptop is not broken, then I will go home early.
Finally my work is done. And it's time for dinner. I ate with my friends. We will have a cafe dinner in front of the office. When I got to the cafe, I ordered my favorite food and drink.
The dinner was over, me and my friends would be home. I walked to the station. On my way, I saw someone who had an accident. If he is careful, he will not have an accident. And the ambulance came bringing him to the hospital.
When I got near my house. I will buy food for my pet but the store is closed because it is late at night. If I go home early, I might be able to buy food for my pet

Conditional sentence type 1
1. If i do not hurry, then i will be late
2. If I go to the office on a motorcycle, maybe I will come more fast
Conditional sentence type 2
1. If I have money, then I will buy a new laptop
2. If my laptop is not broken, then I will go home early
Conditional sentence type 3
1. If he is careful, he will not have an accident
2. If I go home early, I might be able to buy food for my pet


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