
·         Functions
1.      Can – could – (be) able to
-          Can be used to express the ability
-          This verb capital can be used to request permission
-          Could beused to express the ability of the past
-          This verb capital can be used to ask permission to do something in the past or future
-          Be able to be usedexpressthe ability of a particular situasion in the past (past ability)
2.      May - might
-          May to declare possibilities in the present and future
-          This verb capital is to ask for a more formal than the verb can capital
-          Might used to express hypothetical situation that is not proven to occur
-          Might is a past from may whereby it is used to request a more formal permission than a verb capital could
3.      Must - I have /  has / had to
-          Must be combined with notes to declare prohibition
-          Have / has to be used express the necessity and conclusion. To declare a polite imperative
-          Had to be used to express a certainty
4.      Will – would – (be) going to
-          Will to be used to make decisions spontaneously / without a plan
-          Would to be used espresses the sense of probability
-          (be) goint to use to discuss pre-determined plans and decisions
5.      Shall – should – ought to
-          Shall to be used to declare obligation in the formmal situation
-          Should to be used to suggestion or advice
-          Ought to be used declare what is true or right

·         Differences
1.      Can
-          Can be used as ability or posibility
-          Can also used on asking and giving permission
-          Can used for prensent but aslo used for future
2.      Colud
-          Could be a modest form of delaring it can be in english conversation
3.      (be) able to
-          Be able to used to express the spesific ability that is more special ability
-          Be able to be used for all tenses in english
4.      May
-          May means probability abd declare permission
-          May is isued as capital in factual conditionals sentences – probable result for future
-          May is used as capital in present tense
5.      Might
-          Might is usualy only for probability
-          Might is used as capital in past tense
-          Might is used as capital in senrence factual condotional – possible result
6.      Must
-          Must be combined with notes to declare prohibition
7.      Has
-          Has ownership function, used to indicate an ownership
8.      Have
-          Function mandatory, the use of thus function as well as the use of the word must which means must
9.      Had to
-          To be used express a certainty
10.  Will
-          Will often indicates that the speaker will do something voluntarily
11.  Would
-          Would is the past form of the will
12.  (be) going to
-          Be going to states tha there is something to plan
13.  Shall
-          Shall is used to declare simple futures like will but is only used on first person
14.  Should
-          Should be used to advise
15.  Ought to
-          Oughtto actually be the same as shoulder be used to give suggestions and have the meaning should

·         Example
1.      Can
-          Can i borrow your car for one night?
-          Ca we visit grandma at the weekend?
2.      Could
-          I could speak english
-          Could i go to the cinema, please?
3.      (be) able to
-          She is able to cook
-          He is able to fix the car well
4.      May
-          He may work out and consume healthy food every day
-          You may forget the embarassing incident tomorrow
5.      Might
-          You might forget embarassing accident tomorrow
-          The doctor might have warnet you not to eat redmeat

Reference :


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